Best Content Management Systems New Businesses Should Look Into - Buzz Sharing

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Best Content Management Systems New Businesses Should Look Into

Online businesses are the norm in a world that’s completely digitized. Most people look for and buy services and products online. 

You have to remember that when online content is king and everything you see on a website that makes you want to buy stuff is considered content. 

Now, for a website to function, you need to manage and deliver all the content correctly. From blogs, images to onsite content, there are many content delivery requirements for a modern-day website. 

Now that’s where CMS or content management systems come in. These are software solutions for websites that make sure content is delivered the right way that ensures people coming to your website get what your business is about. 

There are plenty of content management systems out there in the market, but not all are the best business choices.

We here at Freelancer’s Hub work with different businesses worldwide, providing each with custom digital services specially designed to bring success. 

We have worked with several different content management systems because of our experience in building successful online businesses. 

That puts us in a spot where we can say what’s best for new businesses. We created a list of the seven best open source content management systems that new businesses should look into. 

We will talk about what makes these open-source CMS’ the best in the business and why you should use them. So let’s start talking about FH’s List Of Best Open Source Content Management Systems.


Scalable, open, adaptable, and multilingual. In just four words, we’ve just described to you Typo3 and what makes it unique. Typo3 is an open-source content management system that was built with decoupled architecture. 

Typo3 - Freelancers Hub

Typo3 was founded by the Typo3 Association, a non-profit organization out of Switzerland that employs over 700 people. This type of structure ensures startups can set it up on their websites in mere minutes. 

What makes it one of the best open source content management systems is that it is fast and secured, and that ensures higher engagement rates. 

It has all the features you are going to need for a successful website, and that means it’s highly scalable and is a perfect fit for enterprises and small businesses. 

If you want a complete Typo3 development solution, you can contact Freelancer’s Hub Web Design & Development sector.

Silver Stripe

Silver Stripe is an open-source content management system based on the Silver Stripe framework. The framework is a PHP website application framework. 

Because it was based on this framework, you can easily create websites and website computer applications for free. You can easily edit, add features, modify your website from the Silver Stripe admin panel. 

One of the reasons why Silver Stripe is considered one of the best is its cross-platform usability. You can use it on your smartphone and tablet along with your PC. 

A simple drag and drop navigation structure and simple features let you embed videos, audio, and pictures easily. All of this makes Silver Stripe one of the best open source content management systems out there.


Built on the modern Node.js technology stack, Ghost is a professional-looking open source content management system. Since launching back in October 2013, Ghost has strengthened and built on its base and is now one of the most popular CMS out there. 

Ghost is one of the best open-source cms for e-commerce and built sites. Millions of websites use Ghost as a publishing platform for many stories, blogs, and other sorts of content. 

Ghost is built to ensure you get the final say in every decision, from content, style to other requirements. 

You will have access to millions of integrations and plugins to enhance and improve workflow and delivery. Since it’s open-source, you can also develop your custom integrations for your Ghost site.


Now Magento isn’t a CMS per se, but that’s the feature that is famous for. Magento is based on PHP and was built to help out creative e-commerce businesses

Magento - Freelancers Hub

That’s why it’s considered one of the best open-source content management for SMB’s and e-commerce. 

You can run several front ends from a single back-end on Magento, and having such versatility ensures you can easily edit product details, customer information, and orders. 

Magento is perfect for entrepreneurs who want to bring their out-of-the-box ideas into reality, and with its content management being one of the best out there, you may want to try it out. 


There are Drupal solutions for everyone. Whether you’re a developer, marketer, or agency, there’s a Drupal solution for everyone. Drupal has been created carefully with unique designs that make it a perfect solution for every sort of need. 

Drupal - Freelancers Hub

With a Lamp Stack built and a modular design approach makes adding and deleting things very easy. Its core is made up of PHP, Java Scripts, CSS, and various image assets. 

All this makes your site score High in responsiveness, security, connectivity, and ease of integration. These features make Drupal one of the best open-source content management systems for content marketing and startups alike. 


Joomla has a global community of helpers, volunteers, and developers who love Joomla’s framework because of its versatility. Its list of features is long, with powerful search engine optimized, multilingual support being the most prominent. 

Joomla - Freelancers Hub

You can use Joomla to build anything from NGO sites, governmental organizations, schools to intranets and many others. Joomla has plenty of in-built modules that make it easy for developers to develop websites and personal projects on Joomla. 

Joomla makes sure all the contents within a website is delivered correctly and ensures that content is managed entirely. With versatility and ease of access, Joomla is one of the best open-source content management systems for new businesses. 


What can we say about WordPress that hasn’t already been said. It is one of the best CMS out there, with 65% of the WordPress market share. 

There isn’t any sector that WordPress isn’t suitable for. From bloggers, e-commerce, small businesses to even news portals, you will see WP integrations for every single industry. 

It’s easy to use and has a host of different free plugins that make setting up a CMS very easy. You can have custom themes, plugins, and templates tailor-made for your website. 

Such versatility and plenty of free integration has made it the favorite choice for everyone and is one of the if not the best open source content management systems out there. 

Now, you may not want to do the work yourself, so you may need to work with WordPress development companies for custom solutions. 

We here at Freelancer’s Hub have a dedicated team of WordPress developers who guarantee fast, affordable, and unique solutions for businesses of all kinds. So we can help you out if you want. 

Finding The Best CMS For You

So there you go. These are our choice of the seven best open-source CMS out there. Now out of all the choices, we recommend the one that has the largest market share. 

WordPress is easy, fast, and everything you can need from a CMS and more. However, it would be best if you made your own decisions. Some other CMS might better fulfill your needs. 

So do your research and find the best CMS for you. If you know a CMS that you like more than those listed here or think is better, let us know in the comments below or hit us up on our socials. 

If you have any queries, then feel free to contact us. Our development team will be more than happy to help you out. So that’s about it for now. We will come back soon with something new about the digital world. Until then, See Ya!

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