Automated Email Marketing Strategy for Freelancers | Freelancers Hub - Buzz Sharing

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Automated Email Marketing Strategy for Freelancers | Freelancers Hub

As a professional freelancer, you need a strategy for landing leads that convert into paying clients. In a perfect world, these leads would come to you. However, there’s one surefire way to get the right clients to come to you. The secret formula isn’t a specific cold pitch or freelancer platform — it’s email marketing.

In fact, 81% of small businesses rely on email as their number 1 way to land customers, and this translates to freelancers as well. Better yet, you can automate your email marketing to draw clients to you without the effort. It’s time to focus more time on running your business, not sending cold pitches.

Step 1: Lead Magnet

Your first step is to build a lead magnet. This is something that you’ll use to attract your ideal client and build your email list with fresh leads. Why focus on an email list? It’s the only list of leads you actually own. You might think you can rely on social media to gain traction, but you can’t trust social media platforms to be around forever.

Your email list puts you in control as the professional. With your lead magnet, you’ll offer value to your prospective clients, positioning yourself as the expert they need. Lead magnet ideas include ebooks, downloadable guides, graphics, videos, webinars, and more.

Step 2: Select a Service Provider

Next, you need to choose an email marketing service provider or go with a digital marketing expert who can do it for you. Common providers include Mailchimp and Convertkit, and both of these allow for free trials, flexible pricing, and automated campaigns.

Your provider will allow you to collect subscriber information, set up an automated campaign with your lead magnet, and schedule emails through sequences.

Step 3: Opt-In Page

Now that you have a service provider, set up an opt-in page to help your users sign up quickly. You can build this with your service provider or even just through your website. This is where you’ll drive traffic to encourage signups, though you can also include a signup form and popups on your website, blog, and social media profiles. Learn more about driving traffic to your content with this beginners content marketing strategy guide by Coforge.

Step 4: Scheduled Sequence

Finally, it’s time to create your automated sequence. You’ll need a series of emails to welcome new subscribers after they sign up for your lead magnet. This is how you build authority and provide value that encourages users to convert into clients.

You’ll need your sequence to be the right frequency to stay relevant, but not so frequent that you annoy your leads. Here’s a simple sequence that works for freelancers:

Welcome email – First, send your subscribers a welcome email with your lead magnet. This is a chance to introduce yourself.

Follow up – Now, continue to introduce yourself. Direct your users to your top content so they gain more value.

Special offer – Next, offer your email subscribers something special. It might be an additional download, a webinar, or even a discount link.

FAQ – Your users might have some questions you haven’t answered yet. Why might they be afraid to work with you? Answer these questions in a simple email, and offer your special perk once again.

Final chance – Last but not least, seal the deal by offering a risk-free consultation, call, or follow-up with your directly. Your users know you now, and they should be ready to make a purchase.

Beyond this automated sequence, feel free to update your email subscribers any time you publish relevant, new content. This is a great way to keep your leads warm without bombarding anyone’s email.

Land the Client

According to Supplygem, email messages are 5 times more likely to be seen than Facebook ads. That’s a powerful statistic, and one you should pay attention to as a freelancer. No matter your experience, it’s time to attract leads with your email marketing.

Create an automated email campaign today to leave your cold emails behind for good. You have more important things to do for your business. With an email campaign, you set your business on autopilot while the leads come in.

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