The Covid-19 Battle: How to Sanitize and Clean Your Car - Buzz Sharing

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Covid-19 Battle: How to Sanitize and Clean Your Car

One of the biggest problems of getting infected by the Covid-19 virus is that until one is infected, one never knows how severe the effect is going to be.

Although a majority of the people may get mildly affected, there are many for whom, this infection can turn out to be near-fatal or even fatal.

Even if you are asymptomatic, you may inadvertently carry the virus to someone for whom, it can turn out to be a matter of life and death.

Hence, you always need to be vigilant.

Are we really ready to ease out the lockdowns?

This depends on what data you have and to whom you consult. Many are saying that easing the lockdowns and putting the economy back on the track is replete with the dangers of unleashing a severe wave of the Covid-19 infections.

Some say that when people resume their normal activities we may develop herd immunity.

Well, everything is open to speculation. People are throwing darts in the darkness. Your only defense is being as careful as possible.

Whether you are at home or you are moving out, you need to take precautions to make sure that one, you don’t get infected, and two, you don’t bring the infection home and endanger the lives of your kids and other vulnerable members of the family.

The importance of sanitizing and cleaning your car

Unbeknownst to you, your car can be a hotbed of infection and not just Covid-19, but lots of bacteria and virus strains.

Although you may think that you clean up your car regularly, the interiors of the car are difficult to clean. You’re constantly touching your car everywhere.

In normal days, you haven’t been in the habit of washing your hands properly after touching all sorts of things, before entering your car and using the steering wheel, or turning the key or putting on the music.

During the times of the Covid-19 pandemic, it isn’t just enough to wipe your car interiors with a damp cloth, you need to consistently sanitize and clean your car.

As mentioned above, you spend lots of time in your car. Your car may be used by different family members and even by the kids. It is humanly impossible to stop the kids from touching every corner of the car.

Hence, the only option left for you is to sanitize your car as thoroughly as possible and make sure there is no strain of the virus lurking in any corner.

Here we are going to present some ways you can regularly sanitize and clean your car to avoid getting infected by the Covid-19 virus.

Start practicing and promoting personal hygiene

Covid-19 can enter your car, most probability, through you, or through someone who is infected. The virus is not going to enter the car on its own.

Now, if someone is infected and is being carried in your car or someone is unaware of the fact that he or she is infected and sneezes and coughs in your car, then it is a different matter.

Hence, if you practice a habit of personal hygiene and also insist that all the people who are going to enter your car have taken care of their hygiene, you can keep your car safe.

Practice social distancing as much as possible. Whenever you have touched something or someone, wash your hands properly with soap and if the soap isn’t available, use a sanitizer.

If you feel you have visited a severely infected area, immediately change your clothes and take a bath. The more washed and cleaned you remain, the less exposed your car will remain.

Give the interiors of your car a thorough cleaning

You don’t need to do this regularly, but once in a while, clean your car properly. If possible, get the seats washed. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the cabin.

Remove as much dust as possible. Make sure you clean up the upholstery including headrests, seatback pockets, backrests and armrests.

Depending on which fabric you have, you can use soap or another cleaning agent that doesn’t harm the material.

Alcohol is heavily recommended but the aggressive use of alcohol can lead to discoloration so you may need to exercise some restraint.

After the cleaning, you can use some sort of conditioner to make sure that the quality of the material is maintained. You may need to consult your car maker to find out how you can properly clean your car without damaging the interiors.

This is because the sanitizing chemicals don’t work over the dust. The Covid-19 virus may hide under the dust. They say that if the virus is on your seat or the mats it can remain there for 3-4 days. So, before sanitizing your car, make sure that you cleanse it properly.

Regularly disinfect and sanitize the parts you touch often

This may include the exterior and the interior door handles, the steering wheel, the gear shifter, the handbrake, the seat adjustment levers, the seatbelt buckles, the touchscreens of your in-car gadgets, the dashboard and other buttons and knobs that you and your family members are constantly touching when sitting in the car.

Give each part a thorough scrubbing with a quality disinfectant. There are many sensitive parts inside your car, for example the touchscreen surfaces and other electronics.

Make sure that the liquid does not seep in. Hence, disinfectant or sanitizer must be chosen carefully. You want to keep away Covid-19 but at the same time, you also don’t want to damage your car.

Liquids containing high doses of hydrogen peroxide, ammonia or some bleaching agent may cause irreparable damage.

You can get some car interior cleaners and shampoos that are safe to use. Although how effective they are against

Covid-19 hasn’t yet been tested. Nonetheless, you can use the regular sanitizer spray on surfaces that are not very sensitive to liquid droplets.

Soap is your best bet. The outer layer of the Covid-19 virus immediately bursts when it comes in contact with anything soapy.

This is why it is recommended that you wash your hands properly with soap. The same is applicable to other surfaces.

Again, make sure that the soapy liquid does not get into the sensitive parts of your car.

Get your air conditioning system serviced

At many places, the Covid-19 virus spread because people were spending lots of time in air-conditioned environments.

The air-conditioner circulates the same air. If the air contains the Covid-19 droplets, it will go on circulating them. Hence, get your air conditioning system completely serviced and disinfected.

The safety of your car, and by dint of that, the safety of your loved ones and yourself, depends on taking regular precautions such as routinely sanitizing and cleaning your car interiors, maintaining a habit of personal hygiene, and maintaining social distancing.


The best thing about 3D and 5D floor mats is that they are easier to clean and this is what matters the most in the times of Covid-19. 

You just take them out and wash them with a detergent and you’re good to go. In fact, these days, whether you expect them to be infected or not, it is a good practice that when you reach home, you make it a habit of taking out your 3D and 5D floor mats of your car, washing them and putting them somewhere to dry. It hardly takes a few minutes. Then, in the morning, you put them back.

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