Know-How To Design A Coming Soon Page To Generate Customer Interest! - Buzz Sharing

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Know-How To Design A Coming Soon Page To Generate Customer Interest!

Before you start your business, there are preparations to make, but you, as a business owner, have to make sure people know you are entering the market. As a modern business, you need a website, and you can't launch the website before you have your product ready.

However, that doesn't mean you can't let people know online you have a product coming to market. You can use a pre-launch coming soon page to drum up some steam before you become fully operational, and that's where a coming soon landing page comes in. With the right pre-launch coming soon page, you can quickly gain traction, gather feedback, and start marketing.

We here at DropshipUSA work with entrepreneurs to provide them with the right Shopify website solutions geared towards generating revenue. Our developers always suggest that entrepreneurs need coming soon pages for their websites to ensure they can be fully running by the time they come to market. We thought we would tell our readers why they need a coming soon web page and make a coming soon page for their site. Without further delay, let's begin!

What Is A Coming Soon Page?

A coming soon page is a pre-launch page that works as a landing page for new businesses coming to market. It's a page where you can let interested traffic know more about your products. It helps new companies capture their interest, even their emails, and encourage users about your business. It allows you to amplify your reach before you launch your business.

Even though a coming soon page isn't a permanent page, it can become one of your biggest strengths if you start even more than your FAQ, Contact, and About Us page. A coming soon page is flexible and offers a lot of different upsides. Here is what you can expect from it:

Marketing Head Start: Since creating a single page only takes a few hours, you can quickly start your business and get a marketing head start.

Generating Leads & Audience: because you don't have a product to sell, you need to build an audience. Start building your social media profiles and email list so that you can start communicating with you.

Early Feedback: You can easily use the coming soon page to gauge user interest and understand what people want from your business, and better optimize your product to ensure maximum engagement.

As a business, you might need time to bring a product to market, like product development, raise money, or build your brand to push your launch deadline back. Consequently, if you are a t-shirt business or drop shipping operation, there is no need for you to wait on getting a headstart on marketing.

The right coming soon business can help you achieve a multitude of goals. So make sure you let the people know what your coming soon page is all about. Remember that you can generate hype for your product even before you start. To generate hype, you can even introduce something like an ULTIMATE Countdown Timer. Once you are done with creating the page, your work is just beginning.

You have to make sure you build an audience before launching, so work on building an email list. It will help you out with your retargeting efforts as well. Here are the things you can offer to generate some email leads:

Early bird pricing
Exclusive discounts or freebies
Valuable content
Entry into a contest
Behind the scene, access

Integrating an exit-intent pop-up like a Privy or Spin-a-Sale to keep them on your website. You do this while also allowing the visitors to have a one on one conversation with your brand. Provide outlets for contact. Make sure you let the customers know your brand's email or social media. If you have a live chat option, that will be even better.

You can check out Shopify's Live Chat option for your site. You also need to let people share your business with their friends and within their networks. You need exposure, and your coming soon webpage can be the tool to generate that. Encourage the people visiting the webpage to share your site on their socials.

You can incentivize each action to ensure a higher rate of exposure, and you can even think about integrating a viral loop. Some of the best coming soon webpages of successful brands used this mechanism. It's where you incentivize everyone you reach for signing up to your mailing list and sharing the website. The viral loop consists of four parts, and they are:

Reach: Someone visits your coming soon webpage.

Interest: Generates interest in your brand.

Opt-In: They are incentivized to take action.

Amplify: They start sharing your brands within their network.

If you are looking to integrate a viral loop to your coming soon web page, you have to install a referral marketing widget.

How To Make A Coming Soon Page For Your Website?

There are plenty of ways to create a coming soon webpage; however, the easiest way is to create one with Shopify. We specialize in Shopify e-commerce website development, so that's what we will talk about now. There are two ways you can create a Shopify coming soon webpage.

The fastest way to create a coming soon page on Shopify is to use the Shopify password page. It has all the requirements for a coming soon page, from an email signup form, social sharing buttons, and a few other features that will do your website's job. Simply by going to your online store's preferences and choosing to "Enable password," you can make the page live and then set it up as a coming soon page.

Once the page is live, you need to head over to the theme editor and customize it directly; You also have to turn on the newsletter signup field and add copy to frame your form. If you use pre-launcher apps, you will also be able to integrate a countdown timer to your coming soon page. The second way is to install a coming soon page theme. With the coming soon theme, you can create a page filled with add product photos, an explainer video, calls to action, social proof, and many other features.

Ensure you utilize all the added length within the page and utilize the full set of features available to ensure you hit all your pre-launch goals. Remember, the purpose of creating the coming soon page is to help out with your marketing and branding efforts, so make sure you do that.

Get To Building Your Brand

So there you go, that's how you can design a coming soon webpage for your business. Whether you do it on Shopify or not, you can follow these simple instructions to create a coming soon page. However, working with a developer helps with creating the perfect website for your brand.

If you are working on Shopify and you need help, you can always count on DropshipUS to help you out. Feel free to drop your queries in the comments below or hit us up on our socials, and we will answer all your questions. So with that being said, we are done for now. We will come back with something new for you soon. Until then, see ya!

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