11 Ideas For Instagram Posts To Gain Traction - Buzz Sharing

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

11 Ideas For Instagram Posts To Gain Traction

Back in 2019, Instagram started experimenting with hiding the “like count” back in 2019 for Canadian users and expanded the test area to Australia, Brazil, Ireland, Italy, Japan, and New Zealand. While You can see how many likes you are getting, you won’t see how many likes others are getting. The purpose of this was to create a healthier platform that limits predatory competitiveness.

While the response is mixed for the experiment, the need for engagement has not diminished. So if you are looking for ideas about what to post on your Instagram account, then you are at the right place. We here at Dropship US work with dropshipping hopefuls and provide them with the right platform to create a sustainable and successful business.

Because of our exposure to companies that rely on social media platforms to grow their business, we have a unique perspective on what to post on Instagram. We have listed ten different post creation ideas that you should look to integrate into your posting cycle. So let’s check them out!

Encourage People To Tag Their Friends

Now you can’t just ask people to tag their friends for regular posts. There needs to be a reason for people to tag their friends. So please don’t do it always. Only ask people to tag their friends on posts that people will want to tag their friends on.

Comment & Like Posts Of Different Users

Instagram always looks to provide an intimate platform where you can see the accounts you are close to. One of the ways Instagram understands closeness is through checking out the level of interaction on other accounts. So if you want your posts to get ample reach, make sure you don’t stay a wallflower. Engage with content and comment on different posts by different users.

Make It To The Explore Tab

The explore tab is a fantastic place to get some views and likes for Insta accounts. The explore tab is Instagram’s personalized suggestions for you. So how do you get featured on the Explore tab? Well, for that, you need high engagement for the post as well. However, if you ensure that your posts are full of quality, then you might just get featured in there.

Cross-Platform Promotion Helps

It’s evident that you already know how to create the perfect social media growth campaign with you populating the platforms with unique content. However, everyone isn’t following you on all channels. People on your email list or are following you on Twitter might not be following you on Instagram. This is why you should always encourage cross-platform promotion. Let the people know that they can also find you on Instagram.

Mobilize User-Generated Content

Your goal as a business is to create engagement, increase reach and cultivate trust. Posting user-generated content ticks all those boxes. People are always looking for a personal connection with brands, and if they see you showcasing their photos on your account, it will only help your cause. User-generated content gathers high engagement rates, and it shows the customer that you love and care about them. So make sure you do it right.

Behind The Scenes

The modern customer needs personalization, and part of it is establishing a rapport with the brand. People nowadays look for a personal connection with the brands. They want to see what’s going on all the time, even during the weekends. So make sure you post behind the scene sneak peeks to your audience. Remember, just because it’s behind the scenes doesn’t mean you can show them whatever you want. It’s still content, and you have to make it in a way that encourages engagement.

Competitor Research

We’ve seen many companies slacking in this department, saying that “they do their thing and we do ours.” However, that’s a sure-fire way of never achieving your full potential. Call it espionage or inspiration, it doesn’t matter, but it’s vital if you want to succeed. Especially, now with Instagram looking to hide likes, businesses will need an in-depth approach to get a heads up on the competition and discover their niche. Use the right tools, find the social listening tools at your disposal to gauge sentiment and identify trends. Make sure you complete full-scale competitive research as well to find out trends and opportunities you can take advantage of.

Feedback Is Valuable

Now that Instagram hides likes, you need other visible engagement methods to gauge audience interests. Audience feedback is even more valuable now if you want to see your engagement rates tick up. Create informal audience polls to see how many people interact with you and what they say about you. Getting some feedback on your posts will also ensure you know which posts work, and you can up your content game as well.

Takeovers Are In Vogue

Takeovers are cross-promotions where brands and influencers take over another account to generate interest. Takeovers have become a popular choice of content idea on Instagram as it brings new viewers and reignites interest of existing users. Try it out with influencers and brands aligned with your mission, and you will see your engagement rates soar.

Test Out New Ideas To Post On Instagram

Finding out the taste of your audience is an on-going process. If you want to discover new ideas to post on Instagram, then A/B testing is what you need. Find out if your audience likes inspirational quotes or infographics. Discover their engagement rates for videos and boomerangs or other content formats. Use your analytics to discover what you can do to get your audience to interact.

Be On Trend

Whether it’s Black Friday or the Superbowl, or International Dog Day, your brand needs to be ready with content that matches the sentiments of the significant dates in the calendar. Create a comprehensive content calendar where you flesh out your brand’s angle for each date. Remember, it’s vital to stay on trend if you want to be relevant and grow.

Innovate Throughout The Year

So there you go, those are 11 Instagram post ideas you can start utilizing to grow your brand’s reach. As you can see, you need to innovate throughout the year to ensure maximum impact. Along with these ideas, you need to run Instagram ads to generate new interest and increase your reach. However, all of these changes won’t come to fruition if you don’t have the perfect platform. Well, that’s where Dropship USA can help you. We offer comprehensive web solutions to dropshipping hopefuls and ensure they are primed for sustainable growth.

And with that being said, that’s all we have for you today. If you know any other ideas on what to post on Instagram, drop them in the comments below. We love to hear from you, and if you find some new trend on Instagram, please hit us up, and we’ll check it out. So that’s about it now we will come back with something new for your soon. Until then, see ya!

Originally posted in: https://dropshipusa.io/blogs/news/ideas-for-instagram-posts-to-gain-traction

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