12 New Year Resolutions For Your Business You Should Make In 2021! - Buzz Sharing

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

12 New Year Resolutions For Your Business You Should Make In 2021!

It's a brand new year, and it's the start of a new decade. Everyone is recovering from one of the worst years in human history because of the global pandemic. With new years we always make resolutions for the new year, and business owners make business resolutions and set goals they want to reach this year.

If you are a new business looking to grow and set yourself up for the long run, then making business resolutions for the new year could be just what you need. So what resolutions do your need to make for the new year? Well, we here at Dropship US will talk about it today.

We here at Dropship US work with aspiring dropshippers and provide them with all they need to succeed as a dropship nation member. We have selected 12 new year resolutions for your business, and you should check them out. So without delaying any further, let's begin!

Ramping Up Your Email Marketing Efforts

While email can seem like an archaic form of communication, but it is still relevant, and it is essential for your consumers as well. 89% of the marketers say that email has been consistently their single most effective source to meet their awareness, acquisition, conversion, and retention goals.

Experts have been consistently advising business owners to allot more money in email marketing efforts because it helps build customer relationships and augment sales. Even 72% of consumers say that they prefer email communication to work with businesses and 61% of consumers say that they like to receive promotional material through emails. Now with the world just recovering from a pandemic, people will be even more selective about the businesses they choose to work with, so make sure you make your emails count.

Work with your team to find ways to avoid the spam folder while providing them with valuable, engaging content. Learn how to create the different types of emails out there that your audience likes. Work hard on setting goals, update your email list, and connect with more customers in the inboxes.
Optimize Your Customer Service

Customers online always look for businesses that provide fantastic customer service. Excellent customer service is the foundation that successful companies are based on. Many even say that it is even more important than the product or price. Around 71% of customers said they had terminated their relationship with businesses because of their lousy customer service. That's not even the full story.

By providing awful customer service, you are pushing your customer towards your competitors. 61% of customers say that they have taken their business to a direct competitor after a bad customer service experience. So you see, you need to build a plan filled with strong customer service principles if you want to make your business a success this year.

Make a firm resolution to create a customer service plan that showcases your professionalism, encourages communication, and shows active listening on your part. Remember, it's about seven times harder to convert a new customer than to retain one.

Also, 58% of customers are already willing to spend more on companies with whom they've had a pleasant customer service experience. If you can set up your business with a killer customer service operation, then you will notice you have better sales, repeat customers, strong relationships, a distinguished brand reputation. You will also get those five-star reviews that you covet so much. So what are you waiting for? Make a resolution to build a gold-star customer service this year.

Intensify Your Branding Efforts

With social media and online businesses, you will see everyone throw around the word brand everywhere, but you will see only a few know what they are doing. With widespread internet, everyone is being bombarded with information, so you need to find innovative solutions to establish your brand while also making sense and showcasing your vision and mission. Branding is one of the best ways to generate loyal customers and expanding your reach.

Your target is to be a figure of authority in your sector, and branding can you out in that regard. Building your brand awareness means building your reputation, making sure the tone, feel, style, and substance matches your target audience's needs. Make sure your message is always on point and in line with your website, operations, management, and other interactions. This year, build a recognizable and unique content and branding strategy to help you grow and stand out from your competition.

More A/B Testing

If you have been running your business for a while, you already know that no one gets it right the first time. This logic applies to all sides of your business and especially to your site. Creating the perfect site requires a lot of tweaking and fine-tuning to ensure your customers see a unique and intuitive site. This is why you need to conduct more tests. Put a lot more effort into A/B testing new ideas for your website to find out what works and what doesn't.

If you want to see some real impact on the number of visitors and your bottom line, you need to innovate, which means a lot of testing. Simple A/B testing of different variations of webpages, designs, ads, and other marketing media will provide you valuable insight on performance. You will adjust and refine everything from design elements to CTAs to images to copy length. A/B testing can be a powerful tool to improve performance and sustain growth. Resolve this year to try out and test new things to keep your audience engaged.

Talk To Your Customers

Even with all the gadgets and technology and evolving online landscapes could not replace people's need to connect. If anything, it has made people look for more connection. Any new business that's trying to encourage sales needs to find ways to connect with real customers. Your customers need to see you making an effort for the people who are championing and advocating for your brand. Do whatever it takes, whether it's meeting from a safe six-foot distance or getting more intimate face time online.

This year make an effort to host online meetups, workshops, or even informal get-togethers (If restrictions are lifted). Make sure you express genuine gratitude to customers and make an effort to get to know them. Trust us, this simple resolution for the new year will boost your customer service rep and provide you with valuable insights into how best to cater to your customers' needs.

Become Active In The Community

Last year we saw people coming together through online efforts to help support their communities, and that's amazing. As a business, you should look to get involved with your community and be an active and participating member of society. If you are hard-pressed for ideas, then learn from others.

Collaborate, crowdfund, pitch in for noble causes, and share the knowledge you have. Make sure you support and champion those who are never in the spotlight. Work with women and minorities to help them get involved in business and tech. It will not only be a fantastic experience but also diversify your community. The effects of this effort will be far-reaching; remember, we are all in this together.

Find New Design Trends

The online world is ever-changing, with different trends popping up ever so often. As a business owner, you need to stay ahead of the curve and find ways to incorporate new web design trends into your website.

Whether it's a minimalist design or asymmetry or something else entirely. Make sure you keep your site relevant, engaging and looking fresh. Remember that some design fundamentals are basic and never go out of style, while some are just fads. Talk with experts and find new inspiration on how best to represent your brand this year.

Keep A Staging Site

As we talked about earlier, you need to keep testing and innovate new things for your website. A staging website is a perfect place to implement those new things and test your site and fix errors. It is a perfect copy of your website that's for your eyes only. You can quickly fix bugs, install new themes and implement plugins before implementing them on your live site. It's the perfect place to experiment with new things to find out what suits your brand better.

If you want to get things right, then a staging site is the perfect option for you. If you have a CMS implemented on your site, then a staging website will help you learn everything about operating your website without consequences.

Live maintenance isn't an ideal option as it can cause site breaking, slow loading times, or causing other interferences that will hamper your credibility as a brand. So staging sites become the perfect place to implement changes in a pressure-free environment. So resolve to build a staging site this year if you don't have one already.

Be Aware Of New Marketing Innovations

Marketing has come a long way. Nowadays, small business owners are pushing new podcast episodes, managing micro-influencers, and fishing for Facebook likes. The marketing landscape is ever-evolving, and you will need to find ways to build your traffic and promote your business. Remember that marketers are continually discovering new, innovative ways to connect with customers meaning you will have unique opportunities to learn and engage with your audiences.

You will often see new marketing developments are based on tried and tested marketing methods. Sometimes you will see something completely different, like the recent developments in virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and voice search. Staying on top of new marketing innovations means you will be able to find the best ways to keep your audience engaged.
Start Utilizing PPC More

If you have been in business for at least a few months, you already know the importance of SEO, but did you know that PPC is an integral part of growing your business? We know that PPC for a small business can seem like a daunting task but trust us, it's easily doable even with a small budget. While it may look like a pricey option to build your brand but it doesn't have to be. So this year, make a business resolution to give PPC ago.

Search engine result pages show relevant results based on their keywords, SEO strategy, fresh content, and responsive design, and you guessed it and paid search results. All the search results you see with an "Ad" or "Sponsored" label result from targetted PPC campaigns.

So you can be featured in the sponsored section as well. With PPC, you will be able to take advantage of the web's virtual rush hour of click in a low-risk way. PPC is safe for you because you only pay for the clicks on your ad, so it is wallet-friendly as well.
Trying Out New Tools

A new year means new opportunities for growth and new means of expanding your skills and knowledge range. Make yourself the promise to try out new tools that might help your business grow. Start experimenting with new tools. You may even find new ways to navigate through crises. Try out new site-building tools, test out new plugins and SEO tools.

Check out new CMS options test them out to see if they can offer you something different. There are plenty of smart tools that can help you build a better, higher-traffic, and prolific blog so try them out as well. Don't just stick to one thing. See if you can make it better, and testing out new tools will help you out in that regard.
Start Giving Back

Last year was hard for everyone, and just because you are a business trying to make some money doesn't mean you can't start giving back to communities and customers. You can also begin working with organizations that support the causes that are close to your heart.

Whenever possible, try flexing your philanthropic muscles and give back in meaningful ways. When your audience sees you are invested in the community and care about them, your business will start growing.
Stick To Your New Year Business Resolutions

So there you go, those are the 12 new year resolutions for your business. Remember your business goals should be authentic and realistic and should not be about making money all the time. Building a brand requires you to set goals for an entire year, and making new resolutions for the coming year will help you establish a unique brand identity, so make sure you start right now.

Let us know in the comments below the resolutions you came up with for yourself and your business. We'd love to hear from you. If you are looking to get into drop shipping, then get in touch with us and help you create a unique and modern business and is geared towards generating sales.

And that brings us to the end of our discussion for today. We will come back with something new for you very soon. You can hit us up on our socials and let us know what you want us to cover next. Until then, see ya!

Originally posted in: https://dropshipusa.io/blogs/news/new-year-resolutions-for-your-business

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