The Top Truck Blogs to Follow for Industry Insights - Buzz Sharing

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Top Truck Blogs to Follow for Industry Insights

Staying abreast of all the most recent happenings in the trucking industry is no easy feat. Fortunately, there are a plethora of truck blogs to peruse, each of which may contain nuggets of wisdom. If you're looking for helpful commentary and data about the trucking industry, check out these blogs. 

These blogs cover topics of interest to truckers, trucking business owners, and anyone else curious about the industry. You can get a leg up on the competition by reading these blogs to learn about industry developments and best practices. Some of the best trucking industry blogs to follow are discussed here. Well, let’s proceed before you look for the commercial trucking permits.

The Trucking Network

Truckers can network with one another and share useful resources via a dedicated Facebook group. They also provide opportunities for networking and education in the form of events and webinars.

Everything from rules and safety to tools and gadgets is discussed on The Trucking Network. They offer helpful commentary and data on current trends and future developments. The website also features profiles of successful trucking companies and drivers to serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for the industrt.


Here at Truckinginfo, we keep you up to date on all the latest happenings in the trucking business. They shed light on important issues like gas mileage, employee loyalty, and road safety. Whitepapers, videos, and other educational materials can be found in their extensive resource center.

Truckinginfo stands out from the competition due to its emphasis on data and analysis. They offer insightful analysis of market trends and recommendations for best practices. likewise, they feature successful fleets and drivers on their website to serve as examples and sources of inspiration for their audience.

Subscribing to Truckinginfo's newsletter will give you access to even more in-depth analysis and data than is available in their blog posts alone. A podcast called "HDT Talks Trucking" covers news and trends in the trucking industry.


FleetOwner is a blog dedicated to the commercial trucking industry. Topics like supply chain management, logistics, and finance are discussed. Additionally, they offer analysis of developing tendencies like electric trucks and autonomous vehicles.

Distinguishing features of FleetOwner include the company's emphasis on the union of technology and enterprise. They offer helpful advice on how businesses can adapt to the shifting technological landscape of the trucking industry. They also give practical advice on how to succeed and what works best.

FleetOwner also has a podcast called "Fleet Future", which discusses new industry developments and technologies. You can sign up for their newsletter for more helpful advice and information.

The Truckers Report

The Truckers Report is a blog devoted to informing and assisting truck drivers. Things like truck driving jobs, reviews of trucks and equipment, and rules and regulations are discussed. They also provide a forum for truck drivers to communicate and share knowledge with one another.

Overdrive Magazine

The trucking industry is constantly evolving, and Overdrive Magazine is at the forefront of reporting these changes. They offer in-depth commentary on issues like rules and regulations, safety, and technology. They also provide a classifieds section for truckers to post jobs and buy and sell vehicles.

This blog, Trucking Office, is dedicated to helping trucking entrepreneurs succeed. Accounting, invoicing, and dispatching are all included. They offer software explicitly made for managing trucking companies.

Women In Trucking

The blog Women In Trucking discusses the unique opportunities and obstacles faced by women in the trucking industry. Women who are considering a career as a truck driver have access to a wealth of information and encouragement from this group. Therefore, they campaign for greater diversity and acceptance in the workplace.

Smart Trucking

This blog, Smart Trucking, is full of useful information for truckers. Subjects like vehicle upkeep, defensive driving strategies, and safety are discussed. They also maintain a channel on YouTube where they upload videos debating these issues.

Trucker Path is a blog dedicated to helping truckers find rest areas, parking, and other services in their area. Since added convenience, they've an app that truck drivers can use to locate nearby parking, weigh stations, and other amenities. They give you up-to-the-minute updates on traffic and the weather.


These are only a tiny sample of the many truck blogs that cover important trucking industry topics. You can get a leg up on the competition by reading these blogs to learn about industry developments and best practices. 

These blogs are a gold mine of information for anyone interested in or involved in the trucking industry, be they drivers, business owners, or industry watchers, blogs about trucking provide a wealth of helpful information and commentary. 

These blogs cover topics of interest to truckers, trucking business owners, and anyone else curious about the industry. You can get a leg up on the competition by reading these blogs to learn about industry developments and best practices.

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