How To Maximize Security While Using ATMs Abroad - Buzz Sharing

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

How To Maximize Security While Using ATMs Abroad

Traveling abroad is an exciting experience, but it can also present unique challenges. One of the most important considerations is the safety and security of your financial transactions. ATMs are a common way to access cash while traveling, but they can also be a target for thieves and scammers.

In this article, we will provide tips on how to maximize security while using ATMs abroad. Well, let’s proceed before you look for the ATM processing networks.

Research ATM Locations Beforehand

Researching ATM locations beforehand is a crucial step in maximizing security while using ATMs abroad. Know the ATM locations and safety of the regions you'll visit. 

Check your bank's website for international ATM information. Online forums and blogs may also provide traveler suggestions.

Choose ATMs in well-lit, bustling locations with substantial foot traffic. These locations are less likely to be targeted by criminals. 

Avoid using ATMs that are located in secluded or poorly lit areas, as these are prime targets for theft or fraud. ATMs located inside buildings, such as banks or shopping centers, are generally safer than those on the street.

Cover Your PIN

Covering your PIN when entering it is a basic security measure that is often overlooked. Always use your free hand or your body to cover the keypad when entering your PIN. This prevents anyone from viewing your PIN or recording it with a hidden camera.

Thieves and scammers can use a variety of techniques to obtain your PIN, including shoulder surfing or installing hidden cameras near the ATM. By covering your PIN, you can minimize the risk of your information being stolen. You should also watch for anybody behaving suspiciously near the ATM.

Use Secure ATMs

It is crucial to utilize safe ATMs when withdrawing money when traveling overseas. Safe ATMs are the ones you'll find inside banks and other reputable institutions. Don't use ATMs that have been tampered with or look to have strange attachments.

ATMs may be compromised in several ways by criminals, including the use of skimming devices and phony keypads. These gadgets may steal your card or PIN. Avoid ATMs with weird features like unfastened card slots or unexpected attachments.

Use ATMs from your bank or credit union. ATMs are safer and cheaper than banks that have secured ATM processing networks.

Monitor Your Account

When you're away from home, you must closely monitor your bank account. Check your transactions daily to ensure all charges have been authorized. Check your bank account and report unusual activity.

 Your financial institution can act swiftly to prevent any further theft.

Using a travel notice serves to inform your bank of your upcoming absence. Your bank can monitor activity for signs of fraud and immediately stop any illegal withdrawals. Before you go on your vacation, take advantage of this no-cost option given by many banks.

Limit Your Withdrawals

It's a good idea to minimize your ATM withdrawals when traveling overseas. You will have less to lose financially in the event of theft or fraud if you take these precautions. Withdraw just as much money as you need to cover urgent costs, and think about keeping a modest emergency fund in cash at all times.

When making a major transaction, use a credit or debit card instead of cash. This is not only the safest option, but it also provides more convenience and adaptability. The majority of credit and debit cards now have fraud protection, which safeguards your account from unlawful purchases.

Be sure to also check with your bank to see if they offer any international transaction fee waivers. Many banks offer this as a perk for their customers, which can help you save money while traveling.


Traveling abroad can be a fun and exciting experience, but it is important to take the necessary steps to ensure your financial safety and security. 

By researching ATM locations beforehand, covering your PIN, using secure ATMs, monitoring your account, and limiting your withdrawals, you can maximize security while using ATMs abroad. 

Remember to always be aware of your surroundings and report any suspicious activity to local authorities. 

Safe travels!

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